Community Involvement

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kids playing outside
Frank Ski Kids logo

We Love
Frank Ski Kids

The Frank Ski Kids Foundation (or FSKF for short) is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to exposing kids to their future through science, technology, athletics, and the arts. Their programs recognize that learning and character development can be fostered outside of the classroom, and they have been transforming the lives of metro Atlanta youth for over 20 years!

Bicycles In A Store

Our Approach to 

We wouldn't be where we are today without the amazing community we serve day in and day out. At A-Total Plumbing, kids have a special place in our hearts. Our desire to give back starts with our CEO Richard Flournoy, whose son Jackson's story inspires us daily. When it comes to community, our mission is to help the children around us achieve far above the imaginable, no matter what circumstances they may be facing. We never want a child to go without, and it is our company's goal to help fill these needs in our own neighborhoods.

Some Truly 
Awesome Charities

Frank Ski Kids logo

Frank Ski Kids

The Frank Ski Kids Foundation provides children with opportunities outside of the classroom to study science, technology, athletics, and the arts. We're honored to help fund their annual trips to Disneyworld, as well as places like Costa Rica and South Africa!

Toys for Tots logo

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots' mission is to collect new unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to less fortunate children at Christmas. We're proud to participate in this mission each year by collecting toys and bikes to donate!